The Class has been discontinued.

From 1993-2008, Mr. Bernstein taught a class at UCLA Extension, "From Packaging to Delivery: Independent Film Financing and Distribution." 

A description of the class from the past is as follows:


The following is the description from the UCLA Extension Spring 2008 Catalogue:

22.75 hours of MCLE credit available.(Does not include cost of course materials, approximately $40.) Geared toward producers, finance executives, lawyers, and others who are seeking experience in independent production, distribution, and financing of the under-$5-million film, this course examines how to mesh artistic vision with the realities of the marketplace. Class discussion, guest lectures, and case studies provide a comprehensive analysis of project financing and distribution requirements. Topics include packaging, production, and guerilla filmmaking; domestic and international distribution; banks and completion bonds; insurance-backed financing; co-productions; foreign tax deals; and finding nontraditional funding sources. Multiple panels of three-to-nine guest speakers include (subject to availability) representatives from SAG Indie, First Look Media, William Morris Agency, Samuel Goldwyn Company, Miramax, 20th Century Fox, ICM, and Sony Pictures, among many other companies.

Reg# T7233U

No Textbook Required

UCLA:  1200 Rolfe Hall
Tuesday ,  7-10pm
April 1 - May 27 , 8  mtgs.
(no mtg. 5/20)


The following is a sample schedule of lectures and panels from Spring 2008 (guest speakers subject to availability):


APRIL 1, 2008

Lecture – Overview/Festivals   

Panel - Festivals/Filmmaking in General                    

Michael Shoob – Producer

Rich Goldberg – Mainline Releasing

Peter Belsito– Film Finders

Scott Shooman – Sony

Darrien Michele Gipson – SAG Indie

Jeff Schenk - Regent Ent

J. Beck – Image

Guy Stodel – New Line

APRIL 8, 2008

Lecture – Production Issues; Packaging; Genres


APRIL 15, 2008

Lecture – Domestic Theatrical Market

Panel - Domestic Distribution     

Cassian Elwes – WMA

Udy Epstein – 7th Art

Seth Kittay – All Channel Films

Doug Witkins- Picture This!       

Mark Borde – Freestyle

Howard Cohen – Roadside Attractions

David Dinerstein- Lakeshore

Herb Dorfman-Passport

David Bixler – Fox H.E.

Kevin Kasha – New Line









 APRIL 22, 2008

Lecture – Video and TV Exploitation                                

; Creative Financing


April 29, 2008

Lecture – International Distribution                                  

Panel - International Distribution

Richard Guardian – Lightning Ent.

Gene George – Starz

Tony Kandah – Hollywood Wizard

Lisa Wilson – Hyde Park

Adam Welles – Fries Film Group

Jere Hausfater - Essential

Nicolas Chartier - Voltage Pictures

Jonathan Deckter – Lakeshore

David Jourdan-Katapult

MAY 6, 2008

Lecture and Panel -Banking and Bonding


Marion Spiegelman - Film Finances

Art Stribley - First California Bank


MAY 13, 2008

Lecture - Making the Deal


MAY 20, 2008

 [NO CLASS – Cannes Film Festival]

MAY 27, 2008

Lecture and Panel - Delivery

William J. Petrasich –Fox

Stuart Burkin – First Look

Brenda Anderson – First Look